Friday, April 29, 2011

Inspiration April 29

courtesy of zzap
courtesy of zzap
courtesy of zzap
courtesy of zzap
courtesy of zzap

Wk7B Many Hands

I was surprised that I was included in the Many Hands exhibition but it was kinda cool having something to go to where I was represented.  There were a number of very good art works and having it curated was definitely a highlight.

Wk7B Construct Drawer-Based Slider & Shoot & Fail

 I've decided that I want to make a timber camera slider using a drawer-type design... using materials from Bunnings.  I spent that evening making the the drawer... here it is.

Update: Unfortunately it can't take the weight of the camera!  But I've managed to couter-balance the weight and have the camera connected with my 'grabby' tripod on the end:

Update 2: I've managed to get some footage of Rocks, the surface of a pineapple and some skin but in this last respect, I feel like I've failed.  I cannot work out what is wrong but I can't get enough light into the camera when it is zoomed in further.  I'm failing with the 5D.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wk7B Research Rigs

I've watched about a million videos today about how to make a camera slider.  None of these have the same requirements that I do... ie, that the camera slide OVER the subject, that it use MACRO and go extremely SLOW.

As I see it, there are some major themes...

  1. using a platform on wheels, where the wheels are guided by some form of track - whether skateboard or trolley but using really good wheels.
  2. mounting a camera on a surface that runs across some plumbing pipe as a guide, whether using wheels or some felt on some joiner pipe connectors.  Variations include using steel rods and such instead of plumbing.
  3. using a piece of drainage with grate used to mount the camera - light would be an issue particularly.
  4. towing or winching the camera on various setups like the ones mentioned.
  5. on the really cheap side, using a camera on a small tripod in a box, sitting on carpet... or sitting on a lego platform with the small wheels.
  6. purchasing something particularly made for this purpose - too expensive.
  7. one very cool idea was using a camera mounted in a helicopter which isn't feasible.
One big issue is that people are mostly building these things to film scenes...  I'll have to decide on an idea that best fits my unique needs.  Argh.

I think I'll go with some form of wheeled platform on a track made of a wooden plank with dowel for guides.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wk7B (Break Wk2) No progress to report.

We're half-way through the break and I've been unable to have five seconds to think about digital work.  I've been concentrating on work and emptying my storage unit.  Plus preparing for the essay for Art Theory.  That is all.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Inspiration April 17

Courtesy of zzap - pretty certain it's taken from the Pacific into.
Courtesy of zzap

Friday, April 8, 2011

Review and Wii ad with rotating end shot.

Review is this week.

Here's my Wii ad as it stands and will be presented at review today:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Inspiration April 6

Courtesy of zzap
Courtesy of zzap
From now on I think I'll bunch my inspiration posts based on day rather than individual posts.  Otherwise, it's too much of a logistical nightmare.

In regard to these two pictures, sometimes I wonder whether I'm not in the wrong degree... whether I should be doing photography.  I don't know.

3.01 seconds = 8 hours effort

I have 3.01 seconds of new footage at the end of my 'ad'. It only took 5 hours of setup/shooting and another 3 hours editing.

It was a convoluted setup:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Inspiration: Corner Cube

Courtesy of zzap
This illusion is very cool... you keep switching between the negative and the positive shape.  And dead simple. I like.

Inspiration: Exploding Building?

Courtesy of zzap
I'm not exactly sure what this is but it's cool.  Kinda makes me sick after a while but that might be some of the attraction, as well as the inability to clearly see a frame before it moves on.

Inspiration: Fuck You God

Courtesy of zzap
This is horrible but I love the reality of it.  The innocence, the hurt, loss and brutal honesty.  And such a strong statement about the futility of the god myth.

Inspiration: Falling Light Bulb

Courtesy of zzap

I really wish I had a high-speed camera!  The possibilities are endless.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where am I this week?

After speaking to Christopher and Riley in the last week, I'm resolved to the idea that I need to consider the title sequences as a reference to the quality I'm after in my own work and drop the idea of creating a title sequence.

As soon as this decision was made, I felt a lot of relief.

Therefore, my video sequences for both my major and my video complimentary are more closely macro video of actions taken in an almost fetishist manner.  The idea is that upon shooting such things as Ceramics and Cleaning (the two subjects split between both courses - I've dropped hairdressing despite its abundant visual material due to logistical issues) will produce the necessary impact on its own - like that of my fruit-based video... I wish for the viewer to be put off by the viewing of such mundane yet close-up tasks.

I need a new 'sentence' to describe what it is I'm doing... Hmmm.

Inspiration: Creative signs

Courtesy of zzap
I like the creative use of existing text.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Prototype - Wii Ad

I needed to choose something that I could be in control of and didn't have the logistical issues that my other chosen topics had... thus putting together my Wii...

I'm working to make an even faster/punchier version of this video but so far it seems to lose the impact when the actions are so fast.